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When Irish eyes are smiling...

Sarah-Jane Quick • Jun 15, 2024

The White Rose of Tralee is rising again!

OK, UNLESS YOU HAVEN'T READ A SINGLE ONE OF MY BLOG POSTS, you’ve probably spotted by now that I’m B-I-G on roses at the moment…

     It’s understandable. I can be forgiven this fixation. They’re beautiful plants and hold powerful alchemy.

     But there's more to it than that. Recently, the sacred lands of Ireland have been calling to the Divine Feminine in us all to retrieve our keys and codes. These codes will help the Divine Feminine step closer to the full embodiment of the White Rose and thus the White Ray of the Mother.

     So to that end, I felt irrefutably called to do some rescue work on Thursday for Tara and my Irish ancestors. There’s been a lot going on over there recently, but I also understood it was something I had to do for my Mum, as her time is running out, and this work would (hopefully) see her able to move on fully.

     But you don't just muscle in like a coach party of rubbernecking spiritual tourists. Even though we felt called to the work, we still asked permission to work within this sacred space. If our energy wasn’t appropriate, or we were toying, we would be taken off somewhere else we were needed. Not everyone made it into the space, and I fully expected to be bused off too. But no…

     So we journeyed to Ireland and gathered in circle. We set our intentions and for some reason, I felt compelled to raise my RIGHT hand to the skies and call down some silver light from beyond the Andromedan Portal... A fireball of silver light burst into a star in my right hand, like a torch, and its rays travelled through me and I grounded this energy by pointing my LEFT hand down into Mother Earth. (It was for her, after all!)

     As the silver light hit the Earth crystal, a huge crystal pyramid sprung up (even before our wayshower, the beautiful Saadia Farah Ali mentioned it) and then we worked in its amplifying power, beside White Merlin. I was literally standing there like the Statue of Liberty! (Fortunately, switching Zoom video-off before you start means you don’t look a complete nana in front of your sisters!)

     But as I've said before, you've got to have a good memory for this game, if you want to join all the dots.

     Two or so years ago (during Spiral 2, Pt 1 of my High Priestess training), I was shown a pure white cat, with gold stars at her throat and third eye. I was also shown the back of an Egyptian Pharoah’s head looking at the cat. Just in silhouette, but I knew him to be Akhenaten — he was stroking and tending to her, rubbing her ears, and I knew the cat to be me. I was enjoying the cosseting. Have always liked his face. Perhaps I was one of his daughters with Nefertiti…? (Daughter of a Sun God, maybe a Great Royal Wife and half-sister to Tutankamun, huh? Big me up!)

     Akhenaten had three (or maybe six) daughters, one of them was MERI-TA-TEN (meaning “She who is beloved of Aten”).  Meri-Ta-Ten had to live in political exile after marrying a Greek prince. She went to Scotland which, whilst not the most obvious choice, some consider to be the true Jerusalem (so perhaps he was HER Duke of Edinburgh!)

     Here she was known as Queen Scotia, giving her name to the land, and also taking up arms as a warrior Queen against the Tuatha de Danaan in Ireland (though we don’t know why they were fighting). Dying on the battlefield, Meri-Ta-Ten was buried in Kerry.

Meri-Ta-Ten, Princess daughter of Akhnaten & Nefertiti

     But, most interesting for me, Meri-Ta-Ten is also a part of the lineage of Sophia and has been calling to us to retrieve the hidden Divine Feminine codes that lie buried with her on the southern slopes of Knockmichael Mountain (on the Dingle Peninsula).

     Standing alone but emerging from the Emerald, she called. We answered. From within our circle, we worked to anchor and embody this Sophianic energy.

     But me being me(!), I set a personal intent too, to reclaim any lost soul fragments for my ancestors, and help their future selves move forward higher, faster.

Ireland, home of the Pharoahs

     I’ve never understood the disparaging “thick mick” narrative and have always loved to dig into Irish forgotten myth and folklore. So some hidden truths to be revealed are:

  • Time tells us of how the founders of Egypt arrived from an island in the Atlantic around 11,900 years ago.
  • Tara was held to be the capital of the lost kingdom of Atlantis. The Hill of Tara in Meath is where the legendary high kings of Ireland gathered, and so the Hill of Tara might just be the capital city of the lost continent.
  • Plato documented the story of Atlantis back in 360 BC. He said it was a Utopian kingdom that was home to half-god/half-human beings, brimful of exotic wildlife and precious metals like gold and silver, tin and copper.
  • Several ancient texts (incl. the Egyptian Book of the Dead), allude to 10 kings who ruled during the reign of the Gods. One of these was Thoth (and Merlin is one of his aspects).
  • Thoth is considered the founder of the Egyptian civilisation, and was thought to have been born in a distant country to the WEST, somewhere across a body of water in the “sunset land” or the “island of the setting sun.” (Even today, Ireland is often still called the land of the setting sun.)
  • Another name for this land in Egyptian texts was Urani, which is not a million miles from “Eireann”, the ancient name for Ireland.
  • According to Egyptian texts, Urani was overwhelmed by water. So the 10 kings, including Thoth, travelled EAST to safety by boat. Plato said that 10 high kings gathered in the Atlantis capital every five years, which ties in with Tara’s historical connection with the high kings.

     Where our journeying truly resonated for me was that some of the high kings of Ireland are the Ui Neill and the Ui Laoghaire – or for those who don't do Gaelic, the O’Neills and O’Learys (who are Mum’s lineage).

     Energetically, Mum’s signature is Lightfoot (Pixie) rather than Star tribe. Forgive the sentiment as it may seem cold and perverse, but the one good thing about her mind being lost to Alzheimers was that the veil began to lift and she had significant past life recall.

     She remembered back to a time her father (King), mother (Queen) and elder sister (heir to the throne) were slaughtered by dark priests… Only Mum escaped, which meant Mum was the rightful queen of the Lightfoot… or “Sidhe” (pronounced Shee).

     And that is not a million miles from the vedic term “Sidhi” or “Siddhi” – someone with supernatural abilities – or perhaps holding the gifts of the “Sidhe”.

     I previously did rescue work for Mum’s soul fragments, after a dark dream and waking to hear the word Tacumshin (also spelt Tacumshane) drumming out – which nowadays is known as “Our Lady’s Island” (a lake in south Wexford). The Irish name for Our Lady’s Island is “Cluain-na-mBan” which translates as ‘meadow of the women’. This site was the centre of druidic worship in pre-Christian times and was inhabited by female druids. You might think of them as Mother Divine…

     Over millennia, the purity and sanctity of the land was hijacked, and on that occasion, pieces of Mum’s soul and some of her crystals were stolen in a dark ceremony.

     Saadia cognised that Mother Mary is overseeing the restoration of the White Rose, anchoring her into Irish soil for the collective evolution of the Feminine energy on Earth. Mary (as Meri-Ta-Ten) has called forth her daughters in remembrance of Sophia, the feminine principle of God. Her qualities will firstly be remembered and brought back into the hearts of the Feminine, then woven into the land and finally, in an infinity loop energy pattern, into the hearts of the Masculine. (My previous REEF KNOT perhaps, finally tying the Feminine and Masculine together in Divine Union.)

     So… my maternal ancestors and mum have now had their soul fragments returned to them, cleansed by the diamond/silver starlight from Andromeda and restored to me by the White Rose as a circlet of White Rosebuds – the repatriated energy being something I was able to flood back up the ancestral line to the original owners...

     And all because Meri-Ta-Ten (who has the uninspiringly monosyllabic moniker “Titch” in this lifetime!) came trotting in through the catflap right on cue to wriggle her head under the palm of my LEFT hand… and just sat there imparting her gifts… Weird in itself, cos she normally high-tails it from all that cuddly, affection stuff, which was why I paid attention to her actions…

     White Roses are strong and fierce, but compassionate. We are powerful as well as soft.

     I hope Mum has everything she needs now. Perhaps Philomena, Queen of the Sidhe, can move forward to reclaim her delayed destiny, nothing to hold her back…

I LOVE THIS WORK. If it calls to you too, it's not too late to join my New Earth Goddess immersion...

Stay in touch with SJ

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