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The White Rose and the Whale

Sarah-Jane Quick • Jun 15, 2024

Tales from the Deep — but will we listen?

ONE OF MY SISTARS was working to support the cetacean family who showed themselves in great pain and distress to her during our Gaelic gathering with Saadia Farah-Ali

     And it got me thinking, in that freefall kind of way that flows from nowhere if you would just be quiet and tune in about leylines and songlines...

     Galilee, Gallipoli, Galatasaray, Galatia, Galicia, Portugal, Gaul, Pays de Gaulle, Gaels, Galway Bay, Donegal… This repeating root sound and motif stems from a single memory compelling enough to keep the remembrance of Atlantis within the collective consciousness, across the whole of Europe – although whether this “idea virus” started West and travelled East, or vice versa, or both is anybody’s guess...

     And then, because my mind pops off down rabbit holes with the least provocation, if the Michael Line runs from West to East, does the Mary Line run East to West (equal and opposite polarities, and all that), intertwining at Gal-astonbury? (Goddess help me, save me someone, I’m off down that rabbit hole again...)

Rabbit-hole ruminations

A few things occurred to me after our journeying and gridwork for Tara…

  • I was intrigued that we had a push-me-pull-you energy vibe going on when we gathered, with some of us in Ireland with Merlin/Thoth and others in Egypt or the Middle East… Opposite ends of the spectrum.
  • Opposites made me think of similarities. Ireland’s symbol is a golden harp... and the Sea of Galilee is called “the Harp”, because of its shape.
  • Thinking about the opposite ends, the Michael Leyline runs from Skellig Michael (off the shores of Co. Kerry) to St Michael’s Mount off Cornwall, Mont St Michel in France, across Europe and on to Kursi on the north shores of the Sea of Galilee. Kursi is said to be “the most powerful portal in Zion”. Hmmm, interesting. Walking on water, anyone?
  • If Atlantis is off the West or Northwest coast of Ireland (it appeared on world maps until the 1600s, shown as an island called Frisland, near the Faroes), two small islands off the coast of Kerry are important… The Skelligs. The Skelligs are said to be where AA Michael smote and killed the Devil with his great sword... 
  • Skellig Michael (the larger of the Skelligs) looks like a pyramid rising out of the water when viewed from the mainland, see below… Two things here: (a) wouldn’t you know the Christians would attempt to cap and steal the energy here by plonking a monastery on it, like they appropriate all important leyline nodes... and (b) we only went and established a new crystalline pyramid on the mainland instead!
  • Meri-Ta-Ten‘s burial ground (aka Scotia) is in Co. Kerry, on the slopes of Knockmichael Mountain. The Skellig isles are about 7km to the west, off the coast… The Skelligs would be the ultimate land of the setting sun. Coincidence?
  • Portu-gal is still connected beneath the waves to Atlantis. At one time Ireland and the UK were an integrated part of Atlantis too – but on its destruction, we drifted north on tektonic plates to our current positions. Underwater songlines are being restored to bring the energies of Egypt and Tara/Ireland together again and there are many places across Europe that are part of this songline. (The whole Galilee, Gallipoli, Galatasaray line up already referred to...)
The Skellig Islands, off the coast of Co. Kerry, as seen from the mainland

So what’s going on with the whales?

     The ancient Atlantean capital is connected with Tara and the temples of Poseidon.

     Given the golden energies that imprint the Irish territorial waters, the surrounding seas have abundant wildlife, especially around the Skelligs – where there are internationally important bird colonies on Skellig Michael and many grey seal, basking sharks, minke whale, dolphin, beaked whale, and even leatherback sea turtles in the full and fertile waters around them.

     Unsurprisingly, further south, because Portugal is still connected to the Atlantean land mass, it has witnessed concerted orca attacks on fishing boats and yachts. And these killer whales aren’t playing. They mean business, and I think they’re guarding something... (Fight them on the beaches, last whale standing styley...)

     My guess is the Cetacean and Delphinidae families have been being attacked and punished for protecting the entrances to the temples and routes back into this precious “Emerald” portal – to the extent that the killer whales are fighting back until Tara is fully liberated.

     How do I come to this conclusion? In that serendipitous way my Guides have of working with me, a couple of weeks ago, I “saw” a story in Rolling Stone magazine (which I don’t subscribe to, it’s behind a paywall, so I don’t know how I got to read it in the first place) – to the effect that there have been over 200 reports of orcas attacking fishing boats off Portugal.

     This got me digging and I found reports that killer whales have attacked yachts off the Shetland Isles too… Queen Scotia rallying the troops no doubt!

     Hopefully re-establishing that crystal pyramid on land will act as a beacon of light and a calming influence to the warring factions in the outer world – across all lands, in the air, in the waters, and in the hearts.


Stay in touch with SJ

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