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Is your Soul a-Lioned?

Sarah-Jane Quick • Jun 30, 2024

I (finally) found a God I can pray to...

WE ARE LIVING THROUGH A TIME of Soul and Twin reunions on Earth, and for quite some time we have been restoring our Feminine and Masculine essences, as well restoring the Sacred Masculine template — and these qualities are slowly being brought back in many areas, especially in the Middle East.

     Whilst Great Mother and Mother Earth are working to end conflict and disharmony, it is the work of monadic twin flames, in tight soul groups (working to a common purpose) to bring New Earth forward.

     Simply put, we do this by blending the power of the Feminine (electromagnetic energy) after she calls in the spark (the electrical energy catalyst) of the Masculine, and creating anew.

     This work was initiated by Magdalene and Yeshua, together with 12 willing Essene accomplices. Their restoration work was mainly centred on Egypt — where they worked to clear timelines, dissolve false astral connections, and restore the Masculine to his true template. This work was not fully achieved, as the world was not ready to let go of the OLD. Arthur and Guinevere continued this work (with their fabled 12 Knights), as did many other soul groups who have since incarnated on Earth to restore the Feminine and Masculine polarities.

      And the kernel of these earlier seeds are still present and have been growing and expanding since 2012, for these dedicated groups left a unique legacy for us and many of us are now retrieving the seeds they sowed to complete this work.

What is Divine Union?

Divine Union is a balanced (re)union, both genetically and karmically, between two equals sharing a unified soul and a higher DNA template. When we stand as sovereign souls, and have activated the “monad” connection, a Divine (re)Union occurs making us ready to embrace our monadic “twin”, and “reunite” to fulfil a higher mission.

     Despite what has been suggested by New Agers, it is not a romantic union, or lurrve, at least not as far as our human understanding goes. It is much bigger than that! It is about a deeper union to bring more unification to our Earth plane — for both sides of the “twin” are necessary if they are to “birth” something that will be for the highest good of All.


Twin Flames is a false spiritual program seeded into many psyches in 3D, because the whole “I can help you find your Twin Flame” racket has been a money-spinner for many relationship gurus…


I don’t buy their tease pages or guru-shipness. For starters, you can do Divine Union on your tod if your own inner Feminine and Masculine are balanced. I have good and bad days still, coming into the Summer Solstice was an especial doozy! But on the good days, I’m positive and optimistic, capable of manifesting anything, speaking with the universe to call forth that which I long for — and on such days, I know “he” comes. Heck, how could he do otherwise?

     But when 3D encroaches, as it has in the last week, I have wanted and needed “him” about me, someone to lean into as I put my head on straight after being dragged down into the fetid nature of 3D. My own Twin-who-ain’t-a-Twin (aka the TWAAT) enters my thoughts often and when someone enters your thoughts unbidden it is because they are thinking of you. Good, I hope he rues the opportunity he let slip through his fingers, But I doubt it though because in the words “twin flame” all he heard was “sex” (ugh!), “relationship” (ugher!) and that it would involve positive choice and no more excuses…

     So… not one to let someone keep bitchslapping my heart, I’ve instead been calling out into the universe, to my multi-dimensional self, and commanded my Beloved to come to me here, in this one, where I will shower him in a love like no other. However, I also felt I had to point out that when he comes, he kinda needs to give me a sign that he is here (just in case I miss it!), and that his love for me is as true and unswerving as mine is for “him”, whatever dimension he dwells in. (Oh yeah, and no more Zorro, you’ve got to show your face to me…)


Be careful what you wish for!


Last weekend, I dreamt (in that way that you know you’re seeing into your truth) that I was the “beloved” of Jay Kay, from Jamiroquai. I was fully aware even in the dreamstate quite how improbable that was(!), so accepted the message for the cypher it was. Well… seven days in sunny June is virtual insanity enough for anyone! (And besides, we're still waiting on those seven sunnies!)

     In the dream, something “repelled” him (remember what I said about eletromagnetic and electric forces), which made him disappear. I thought it was me (specifically my womb space and vagina). He abandoned me (or was it he couldn’t reach or “penetrate” me?) Whatever, brokenhearted, I called and called to him, asking what I had done wrong, but he said “you’ve done nothing wrong. Yours is a love like I have never known.” Smooth, nice comeback. But then I asked “then why have you gone, please come back”. And from the distance I heard “I’m trying, I’m really trying.”

     Two days later, imagine my innocent, foolish, girlish delight when an absolutely lovely man waltzed up the garden path, asking “What do you want me to do first?” I hadn’t thought he was coming for weeks. What a tonic for the spirit. He’s a smashing guy. Smart, clever, gentlemanly, ruggedly handsome, talented, businesslike, respectful, fascinated by the things we talked about in the week… from the stars to Brahmin, Annunaki to von Danniken and all points in between. And the house itself responded to his being in it and bringing his Masculine energy with him — so we have laughed and laughed (and laughed!) this week. What’s nice is he gets me. And I get him too… it's OK, I know he’s not “him”, and that’s dandy.

     He has notable starseed qualities and makes me think of the half man/half God myths of Atlantis, maybe as one of the ancient kings of Ireland from Tara.

     Authoritative, a commander, but also a loving husband and father — the qualities any Feminine seek in their Beloved — and a great laugh, with a rollicking sense of humour.

     But the laughter didn't stop there. The subcontractors he brought played their part in the energy shift too — transforming the dolor here to something bright, hopeful and balanced. The house was still full of Mum’s Alzheimer’s and her sorrow at losing her faculties, and in this last year I’ve topped it up with my own anxiety, depression and tears — yet somehow these wonderful men, with their sovereign qualities, have come in and changed the whole vibration of the house. Just like that! (Tick, that’s one soul mission complete…)

Phasers to stun!


So yesterday, buoyed up by life, I set my electromagnetic “DIVINE FEMININE” phaser to stun!

     Please don’t be repulsed or shocked by what I’m about to share, the prompt for these actions came out of nowhere. And I can only make sense of my experiences by describing them to those that I hope can interpret them.

     When I went to bed on Thursday, I was warmed by the love and kindness from my Zoom-call sisters, so felt very relaxed. The cat followed me up and there was much scrooping, bread-kneading and pawing, as ever… Lights off, I turned onto my left side and said into the darkness, “If you’re coming, come tonight and give me a sign” — and then I imagined I was lying in my Beloved’s arms, sliding my right hand up to where his heart would be were he there, saying “Give me your heart again” and asking whether he could feel the love from my hand, a gift from me to him! “Take it", I said, "it’s yours, always…” and I truly felt as though I was lying in someone’s arms… Then rather boldly, I slid the palm of my hand down his body and imagined cupping him, my palm and the flat of my hand along the length of him, pressing down, palpating…

     What the heck? There was a flash, red sparks in the darkness, like a ball of exploding tinsel. I checked in case it was light from my phone or something, but nada. There it was again, a flash and sparkle, seen with my physical eyes. I then noticed there were a million stars of the Milky Way, clustered round me, twinkling — the galaxy suspended in the room about me, I could have reached out and touched them. I thanked “him”, and felt so happy. “Thank you for coming. Thank you for finding a way.”

     Then I asked him to show his face. The stars spun like a whirlpool and as the centre of this pool cleared, it was like a portal to the heavens, and images came through the star gate — faces of a very grand, very powerful lion. When I had seen TWAAT’s face as a lion it wasn’t the same as the one I was now looking at. This lion was older, wiser… maybe it was TWAAT (that doesn’t feel right, but if it is, then he was at a later lifestage, or at a higher timeline) — and there was something about Whirlpool Lion’s demeanour that seemed akin to God of Gods, or high priest of all high priests.

     There was such power emanating from him… Next I was shown two shots of his face, and “he” became a fully maned, totally regal king of the jungle... but with wings... and “he” was flying towards me.

     I googled LION GOD and the closest match to what I saw is MAA-HES, an ancient Egyptian lion-headed god of war, whose name means “He who is True beside Her”. That seems a perfect fit…

  • Solar God of the New Kingdom, so an energy much needed again now!
  • Son of P’taah and Bast (or maybe P’taah or Ra and Sekhmet) — whatever his lineage, that makes him the fabled “Golden Child” and a carrier of triune energy
  • A god of midsummer (pretty timely!), whose presence was invoked to bring forth the souls of men (aka their true Sacred Masculine template…)
  • Protector of Sacred Places — if that ain’t a description for our Earth I don’t know what is…
  • Strong and fierce, a defender of the innocent, and standing up for order and truth for Ma’at — hmmm, there’s that sound again, Maa (Mother) 

     And then that image (which I was still seeing with my naked eye) took on a kind of Renaissance painting look — with clouds round the edges, and all gods, goddesses, cherubs and angel wings, all placed with a Florentine symmetry. He was up there in his multi-dimensional form but somehow in the room too.

     Now, this is the bit which may shock (sorry!) and there’s no fathoming why this even entered my head — but as I am Order of the Womb, it was as if it were natural or time-served for me to share my energy this way. I started to massage myself gently, rhythmically, no hurry, no pressure upon myself… heck, if I’d diddled all night that would have been fast enough, because it wasn’t about gratification. It was about generating energy to share across space, time and all dimensions — which in this instance were coalescing just 6 feet above my head. This was not for myself or sexual pleasure, but about womb energy. These are not experiences I am prone to indulging in, with or without a man — but somehow to a lion with wings it seemed perfectly natural!

     Meanwhile, Stripey Cat had disappeared, but as my energy built, he started crying like he does when he wants to know where I am. Without fail, when he finds me, he also kneads, paws and claws until he’s sated and ready to snuggle in the crook of my arm. Not this time. This time he walked straight up my body and sat on my thymus (my higher heart) — like a sphinx on my chest as I was still massaging myself…

     “Stripey” was activating my thymus, which in turn enables the activation of my Blue Soul portal… Cats do the craziest things...

     If this happens when we are still working on our unique missions, whilst embodying our 5D selves and living in divine love, we will also embrace our monadic twin — so I can but hope this happens on Earth.

     This process does not happen to everyone, but if it’s happening to you, you sure will know about it!

     I’m not shocked (unless you count having the temerity to blog about this). It's simply I haven’t got a place to tidy it away to just yet…

Do we all go through Divine Union?


Truth is, only you know (albeit at probably an unconscious level). Genuinely, I really want my Beloved to be with me in my physical world… For I want to know real love in physical form. (And what Goddess wants, Goddess gets!)

     But if you're like me, take heart. A no-show signifies nothing, and a twin reunion may not even be necessary if you’ve already come to Earth fully activated to fulfil your mission. All you need is literally within you.

     Our collective task is to heal, to activate and to remain in our Higher Hearts, for the highest good of All, since this will support everyone with their own ascensions, raise their consciousness and help them remember who they truly are too.

     If you haven’t met your twin soul, you might not. And that's not a boo-hoo, why me moment either. Think about it. You already came with an activated, unified soul template, so there’s no need for “union”. And you’re so awesome, your twin soul has stayed in the non-physical realms, to guide you through your mission but without interfering. Go you!

     So once we become aware of who we are again, and start delivering to our part of the Divine plan, we will see that this path of Union was never about us, or our personal desires. It’s about that whole “all for One, and One for All” thing.

    What I do know is that when unification is complete (or near as dammit), we will have healed all soul disconnection, energised and connected to All, and will live in bliss, secure in who we are and in what we have achieved.

     Most importantly, we will then be being guided by the truest and most authentic of gurus. No, not some get-rich-quick FB pundits, but our monadic and God(dess) selves.

Bottom Line

     We are here to shift all the manipulation, programming, conditioning and lies we’ve lived under. We are not here to be self-obsessed, fantasise and romanticise “lurrve” or our human experience.

     I guess I’ve been guilty of some romanticisation, but whilst I am a New Earth Goddess, I would still dearly love to love my Beloved… Maybe next lifetime… And maybe always destined to be in the stars…

     But sodde your shop-bought flowers, who doesn’t love a Lion God who rocks up with a bouquet from the Milky Way… (And sorry Jay Kay, coming back at you, that’s rock, dust, light and STARS!)

     Meanwhile, will you look at the pecs on Maa-hes...

Stay in touch with SJ

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